Old Macdonald Had A Sword, Eeee, Iiiii, Eeee, Iiiii Do

Haven’t written an update in forever. Nothing much has changed in the past year so there’s not much to say. Only new thing is I started studying iaido.

What’s iaido? It’s a Japanese sword based martial art. No fighting, we use real swords so that would be too dangerous, it’s all kata, ie practicing forms. I like to think of it as being kind of like yoga with a sword in your hand.

I started just over a year ago. Was shocked to find anyone around here was teaching it, had I known I’d have started sooner. I’m not very good at it, had no idea how uncoordinated I was until I started this, but I am getting better. Our club also teaches kendo, another Japanese sword art, but it’s too active for me lol. I went to one class and was exhausted by the end. That was enough for me.

Still at the same job, still living in the same house surrounded by Mudder’s stuff, although I am planning to empty out her bedroom one of these days and use it as a practice space for iaido. I’m not quite ready yet though…

Still planning to buy a boat. There’s not a day goes by I don’t think about that. I’m subscribed to a half dozen YouTube sailing channels, all smaller boats and people without a lot of money. I don’t bother watching someone with a million dollar boat, their experience is nothing like the one I expect to have. Going to be another 3 years before I can afford it but unless something happens to stop me I’ll be doing it.

That’s about it. I wish I had more to say but I’ve just been keeping my head down working towards not needing to work anymore.

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