
An update from the most boring blog ever…

I was doing good saving for my boat but I had lots of time so decided to spend what I had saved on replacing and upgrading the camera I broke in Japan and a new guitar. Of course the camera wasn’t enough, I also bought a bunch of lenses and other stuff and I couldn’t just buy a guitar, silly me had to build one just the way I want it.

That would be fine, after all I have 5 years left but something changed so now I’m aiming for 2 years. I can do it but I’ll have to make a few lifestyle changes to save that much money. Luckily I don’t need much, my tastes are simple.

A bit of an exaggeration…

I know what type of boat I want, I’m sure some people who know boats will think I’m nuts but I’m also sure some others who knows boats will say good choice but I want a Westlerly Centaur. Why?

-it’s in the size range I want, 25-30′, it’s a 26′ boat

-they’re easy to single hand

-they’re over built so they’re rugged

-I can stand up inside – one of my deal breaker requirements for a boat

-I like the idea of the twin keels and being able to ground it during high tide and clean or even paint the bottom at low tide.

-they’re cheap, they go for under $10,000 Canadian regularly without being project boats.

-people have single handedly circumnavigated in them, I know it can be done. These boats are designed for the North Sea of England, they can handle rough water.

They’re said to be slow but so is every other boat that I’ve looked at as suitable for me. They have a higher hull speed than a Cape Dory 25 or Albin Vega so they’re only slow compared to boats I wouldn’t sail anyway.

Only thing is they’re scarce on this side of the Atlantic so I’ll have to go to England probably to buy one, most of them are there. Buy it there, head down to the Azores, over to the Caribbean then up to Newfoundland to pick up my things then back to the Caribbean for a couple of years. By then I’ll be able to access my retirement money so if I want to get a different boat or spend a lot on the one I’ll have I can then I’ll go around the world.

Then I’ll have something to write about again. 😁

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