It’s been a while…

It’s been a while since I posted, not much to talk about. I have some news though, I finally started editing my Japan videos. Only took me a year lol.

Spent several hours this weekend on it then deleted everything I had done. I had a bunch of footage of me getting there, stuff like walking down the sidewalk, riding the bus, sitting in the airport, sitting in a plane, more sitting in airports, more sitting in planes. Who would want to watch that?

So I started over from my first morning in Tokyo walking out the front door to my hotel. So far I’m just editing the 360 videos into regular videos, when that’s done I’ll try stringing it all together. The audio is terrible in most of it so I’ll probably just run clips with music playing, maybe with text on the screen occasionally or a voice over.

I now wish I had edited as I went along, I would have noticed some issues with how I was filming things and been able to correct them. Most of the time I’m holding the camera too low so any time I pan the view around to me it’s looking up my nose. I would have noticed the sound problem too and spoken more loudly. There’s a bunch of helmet cam footage and most of it is lopsided because my helmet was a bit loose and tipped to the side. None of that has image stabilization either, I’m hoping I can do something with that in post when I get to it.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for a video, it’ll probably still take me a while to get something done but at least I’ve started.

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