Snowmageddon Day 8

St John’s is still under a state of emergency but it’s being lifted at 8 am tomorrow. There have been exceptions, grocery stores were allowed to open a couple of days ago and today restaurants are allowed to let their staff go in to prepare to open tomorrow.

It was a bit of a zoo when the grocery stores opened. At first the city announced they’d only be open for one day. Here are a few pictures of what happened.

Inside was even worse.

None of these pictures are mine, I’d give credit but they were pictures that were shared a bunch of times on social media so I don’t know where they came from.

I missed all that, I was still at work. I finally went home on day 6 for 3 hours just to get cleaned up and then last night got off my normal time at 5 and actually slept in my own bed last night. I’m really looking forward to the weekend.

Here are a couple of other pictures showing how bad the snow has been.

When I was going home last night I could see a lot of side streets were still only 1 lane and normally 4 lane roads were 2 lanes. When I said on Sunday I didn’t see what the big deal was I was wrong. At that point I hadn’t been exposed to enough areas to see how bad it truly was. Or I should say is because it hasn’t changed much.

Should be an interesting next couple of days when everyone is trying to drive around in this.

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