Snowmageddon Continues…

Day 4 now, the city is still under a state of emergency, all businesses closed except gas stations to supply snow clearing crews with fuel only. They won’t sell anyone else anything. That’s St John’s, where I live, but I work just over the city limits in Mt Pearl and I’m still there. Yes, still at work, 4 days straight.

Mt Pearl temporarily lifted their SOE today so that people could get supplies. I was able to go to the corner store across the street and stock up on a few things. Took me 4 trips to get eggs, they told me when I went in the morning they were expecting a truck in the afternoon, it didn’t actually show up until 6:30 pm. Understandable considering what’s going on, I’m just happy to get what I needed.

St John’s is lifting their SOE tomorrow from 10-6 only for convenience stores and grocery stores so that people can restock. People are being asked to only go to the store then back home again.

This is a serious situation we are in, there’s just nowhere to put the snow. Anyone who has been to St John’s knows all about our quaint little downtown streets. Well, they aren’t so quaint right now.

That’s downtown today. As you can see, it’s a disaster.

People are being told to get supplies for another 48 hours. Today is Monday, I’m hoping that 48 hours includes tomorrow and the SOE ends Wednesday night or Thursday morning and not Thursday night or Friday morning.

There’s a Facebook group about the storm. It was setup so people could network and share updates about the situation as well as ask for help if they needed it. For the most part it worked pretty well but there’s been some nastiness too. A lot of people being judgemental towards others who they feel didn’t stock up as well as they should have in preparation for the storm. A lot of threads have had to be closed because they degenerated into a morass of rudeness.

The convenience store I went to today was smart and only let a few customers in at a time, there was a line outside. Hopefully the grocery stores in St John’s do the same thing tomorrow or it’ll be like Black Friday sales with everyone grabbing at everything. Of course everyone will want the best stuff so there’s be people beating each other over the head with Sunrise bologna trying to get the Maple Leaf from them.

One good thing came of the storm though, I’ve decided unless I can’t sail for some reason I’m going to sail. I have to get away from this, I wish I could go right now but it’ll be 6 years minimum if I’m going to be halfway sensible and responsible about it. I won’t be able to retire and spend the rest of my days sailing around places without winter but I can probably get a couple of years out of it, I just don’t make enough money to do it for a longer period.

Perhaps some opportunity will arise that’ll give me an income or I’ll be able to work short stints in places, perhaps not. I’ll have a YouTube channel, you can make some money from that and if you get enough subscribers you can get gear at a discount from some companies by reviewing it. Only a fool makes that a serious part of their financial plan however, I would see it as a bonus. Not sure if I’d be interesting enough on camera to make a channel worth it but I’ll give it a try.

I’m a fickle guy though, who knows what other ideas will pop into my head over the next 6 years. Maybe I’ll just go to Japan again or maybe I’ll decide to do something else crazy like buy a hot air balloon.😁

Anything is possible.

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